Pillars of Māori Healing: Whakanoa ~ loving neutrality

Whakanoa, the bridge to neutrality As healers, perhaps one of the most important concepts to understand and practice is the energy of whakanoa.

Whakanoa is the bridge between the sacred and the every day. It can also mean Beyond energy, neurality, beyond tapu (i.e. not subjects to the laws of tapu).

This act of not using your own energy, or placing your personal mauri ~ life force into another person allows energy to exit and leave the body without it attaching itself to you.

When we are working with other people’s bodies, we are also working with their wairua ~ spirits, mauri ~ life force and hau ~ essence. Sometimes other energies may also be present within some people’s energy fields and these energies enjoy “feeding” off lightworker’s energies.

At the same time, if we holding an expectation or desire for a client to shift energy, then our energy is becoming too intertwined with the energy of our client. In this instance, we run the risk of attracting other people’s lifeforce, or attachments into our bodies.

As such, the most important thing we do for ourselves as practitioners of this work is to stay neutral, and take on no energy. The word to describe this state is whakanoa, which means being beyond tapu (sacredness) and beyond energy.
Some of the tools we use to help achieve this are kaupare, karakia ~ prayers & chants, wai ~ blessed sea water, grounding into the earth, pure, clearing our own bodies and spaces before and after sessions. Yet understanding this concept helps us to understand why these tools and practices are important.

It can take practice to embody this level of energetic hygiene and to be neutral all the time. To this day, I sometimes unwittingly find myself becoming too entangled with another. Yet if we hold the deep intention of neutrality as a way of life, but especially during sessions, we are already increasing the likelihood of a clear healing session and a clear life.

Sometimes when I feel I am becoming too attached to a co-creator’s release, or I want to achieve an outcome I recite the word whakanoa to myself to help remind me of the importance of this neutral state.

This understanding helps us to have longevity as healers and to know we are part of the empowerment, rather than disempowerment process.

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask,
Whakamanatia, in our sovereign uprising,
Gabrielle 💚