Whakanoa / Whakatau ponderings ~ Neutrality & offering healing in a healthy way to our clients

A healing session is always primarily about our whai-ora ~ clients, yet it is a co-creation, your uniqueness, essence & love helps heal & shift energy

Many of us grew up in environments where our voice was not heard, we are used to operating in a world where power is seen as power-over (linear, hierarchal), rather than power-with (everyone has their own gifts that are respected, seen, witnessed & honoured). 

So learning how to allow clients their voice, to share how they need to be in their healing & to pausing before offering our visions, opinions, suggestions or advice is a powerful tool / capability to add to our practice.

Sessions are about the clients, their needs and trying to understand what serves them (not what you think serves them)…

We never have the whole story, we aren’t sure what they have or haven’t tried… What we can know is that.
Everyone is powerful, even if they don’t yet know it.. Holding this awareness in mind can be super helpful to helping clients see themselves. 

However, sessions are a co-creation – you don’t have to minimise your personality, energy, or way of being

Yet you will need to look at your own habits of playing with power, potentially controlling the narrative, understanding your lovelines ~ boundaries.

Even if we are well-meaning, we all have blocks, habits, ways we try to take power from others. Being aware of these habits helps us shift them in our own lives & to settle them in sessions. 

Whakanoa ~ being a bridge between the sacred & the mundane – day-to-day, transforming what is incorrectly held sacredly to humanity.
Whakatau ~ being strong in sharing our grounded neutrality.
Whakaorite ~ Clearing it’s more than neutrality or focus on the other person.
It’s a bringing of love, without bringing our expectations, opinions or advice… and allowing the lifting of shame, blame, guilt, revolving doors of energy, sadness, anger.
Yet, we are bringing ourselves… What this looks like for each person differs.

Yet as a healer, you are in a position of power

Being aware and sensitive to this is important.

Whaiora ~ clients bring the parts of them that need healing to healing sessions, however, Our whaiora have many capable parts that are also listening to the session… many protector parts, and many parts we may not be at all aware of. 

As a new healer (and always to be honest!) insecurities will appear. We work in a space that is constantly navigating the boundaries, unknown, and various ways of being that we may not understan.

However, as a healer, we are in a position of power – the person receiving is open, raw & offering their pain & dreams in the hope it transmutes….

Holding the energy that clients are all capable, protected by their ancestors, have the resilience & capacity to hold themselves in their lives.

We’re not just offering healing, we are also providing a model for healthy healing relationships.

In essence, our modelling, sharing, way of being provides an example that people can take into their every-day lives.

We are merely one moment in their life.

This is a huge & generous offering clients are making in the hope of change, we can engage with this by practicing

Having written all that, we are all different, have different levels of directness, different styles, different pressures, different needs and different ways of being.

What a beautiful thing ~ adapting these thoughts into your way, knowing & the way you walk and offer in the world is always paramount 🙂

Some practical prompts

In kōrero ~ sharing, talking

♡ sharing Tohu ~ visions or Matakite, there are small shifts in language that soften the message.
♡ Ask permission before sharing (there are exceptions, however, it depends where the energy is coming) I.e. “Can I challenge you on this…?”

During a session

♡ Remember to watch & read the energy, does your talking help the whai ora’s energy shift, or does it shut the shifting down.

♡  Are they more tensed, or more open when you speak? 

Bowing Deeply