Kōrero MiriMiri: Healing Talk with Feiyah Hadar, Feminine, Embodiment, Dancer, Poet + Mystic & Ako Torowhānui Trainee

This latest Kōrero MiriMiri: Healing talk is with Feiyah Hadar, a deep woman, healer and embodiment carrier. I love how Feiyah articulates and understands the world. Some of her descriptions of the healing journey light me up so much.
Feiyah is an Ako Torowhānui trainee, RomiRomi + MiriMiri practitioner and deeply sensual woman who continues to expand my consciousness with her dedication to the path of self-understanding, deep Embodiment and her words are so damn poetic.
In this talk we connect with the journey to the depth and her journey in Ako Torowhānui Māori Healing Training.
Watch our Kōrero MiriMiri: Healing Talk here
To connect with Feiyah go to insta: www.instagram.com/wildmysticmusing/
Whakamanatia, in our sovereign uprising,
Gabrielle ♡