Often women are coming to me to feel “different” but as the session goes on its clear to them that they are actually coming to just feel what they are already holding in their bodies and letting go of the judgement about those big feelings and thoughts.
When a woman is on the table and you validate her feelings and also let her know that she is allowed to feel exactly how she does guess what happens?…the flood gates open and the tears start flowing and she comes back into her body, she comes home.
For years she was made to believe that “that way” of thinking and feeling was wrong…but they are actually the “rightest” things about her.
Watching a woman realise she is safe to “feel” like she does and that her feelings are actually real and she isn’t crazy for feeling like that is life changing.
Something I work deeply with is, bringing woman back into THEIR own bodies and THEIR own way of feeling and thinking. All the way back to the way they used to feel before they started believing “others” over their own inner compass.
To be able to ground into your body we need to de-armour the energetic blocks that have been stopping you from connecting in with yourself and the people around you.
To do this I use many different modalities and RomiRomi is part of this process but so much of it is also my intuition of what to say, and when to say it, to help you crack yourself open to come back home into yourself and your self worth.
I have dedicated the last 15 years of my life to this work, I am a commitment to myself because of this way of teachings, I whole heartedly believe in this work and this way of healing and learning. I have the foundations solidly formed to hold the space for you to fall into…I trust all of it and all of me and us in our sessions.
This level of belief is important because it’s the very thing that gives you that feeling of “being held in safety” in a session so you are able to “do the work” and go to the places where you have being yearning to come home to but scared to acknowledge.
If any this resonates with you maybe its your time?
Send me a message if you would like to know more about me and the way we can work together.
About Jarna
Jarna Saunders from Daya Clarity is a Ako Torowhānui: Māori Healing Training graduate and a woman with a mission on her heart to set you on your PATH of who you truly know you are ♡ She is also a Certified mBit Coach, NLP Practioner, Certified Life Coach and Time Line Therapy Practioner. Jarna practices in Perth, Western Australia.
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