Frequently Asked Questions: Ako Torowhānui: Māori Healing Training

Questions about Ako Torowhānui

Stepping into wananga ~ sacred learning spaces is super vulnerable, so it makes sense that you would have lots of questions! 

You can enter the Ako Torowhānui space for 1 weekend connection, or spend longer & engage in 400-hours. 

What is the difference between RomiRomi and MiriMiri? 

MiriMiri is a powerful energy form that can also be felt through the hands and massage (although it’s not massage). It’s the foundational piece of all Māori Healing work as this is the energy of aroha ~ love.

RomiRomi, is a deeper vital point body work form. Roimata and Haemata ~ vital points are focused on with the use of elbows, legs, and knees. This form is mostly practiced with clothes on.

Here’s a video explaining RomiRomi: 

I personally practice MiriMiri and RomiRomi together.

Yet these are taught in wananga separately to allow you to understand the distinction of the energetics and to build more of the form that calls most to you.

Some people are more drawn to RomiRomi and others are more drawn towards MiriMiri. I have seen that each individual trainee tends to lean towards one practice or the other at the end of their training depending on their practice, prior training, and ability to hold the deeper pressure work.

What is the structure of the training? 

You can undertake a wananga ~ training as a stand-alone experience or weave with us longer to receive certification that allows you to practice globally (with some additional requirements in the US). 

What is the structure of the 400-hour training? 

This is a 400-hour Māori bodywork healing training that has 2 compulsory wananga ~ trainings. 

The two compulsory wananga are Mirimiri and Romiromi focuses deep pressure work and integration of that energy and RomiRomi ~ a deeper pressure form.

 MiriMiri ~ a powerful energy practice, that we also share as a healing hands form. 

As a whole, the entire training is a mixture of cultural, personal and group practice and you’re welcome to be as involved or not as you want. We incorporate cultural ceremony with a focus on an introduction to spiritual protection, learning bodywork techniques and sequences beginning with RomiRomi & incorporating MiriMiri and Purea.

This workshop will provide you with the opportunity to:

♡ Learn about yourself as an energetic and sovereign being

♡  To consider if this healing path is for you

♡ Provide an introduction to the importance of working in Whakanoa – energetic neutrality

♡ Working with Te Whatamānawa – the sacred heart

♡ Connecting into Te Toi Maiorangi – the divine source creation spaces

♡ Learning basic sequences and vital points

♡ Flowing with MiriMiri and RomiRomi

♡ Grounding this work into our everyday life

What are the cost for this training? 

The exchange for the wananga changes depending on the number of days. 
Please check the event details for specific prices although the exchange will generally range from $950 – $2150 AUD with a $200 deposit (non-refundable). 

Costs do not include accomodation, transport of flights. 

Are there payment plans? 

Customised payment plans are available ~ I’m fairly flexible with payment plans, so after your deposit is paid, you can pay an amount and sequence that suits you and enables this training to be excesible to you.

Some people pay $100 or $200 a fortnight and others pay $400 a month, just let me know and you can either set that up as an automatic debit or I can invoice you via square ~ just let me know which you prefer! ♡

Are there any other costs to complete the full 4oo-hours? 

Each additional training / wananga does have additional costs for attendance. 

However, it is possible to complete your full 400-hours after completing the Romiromi and Mirimiri Wananga. 

Any additional specialised modules have costs for their completion, however you are able to achieve your hours without undertaking these modules. 

Other areas where additional costs may arise include if you choose to attend advanced or additional Wananga.
These trainings will have discounted prices for Ako Torowhānui trainees and these hours can contribute to your training, yet will have a fee.

In the instances you decide to travel with us for Aroha Healing days or festivals (sharing with the community), you will cover your own costs.

Do I need to bring anything to the training? 

Things to begin preparing to bring (please don’t worry if you don’t have one as we will have spares):

  • 6 x towels
  • Any sacred taonga ~ sacred objects or treasures you would like to weave into our space.
  • A notebook.
  • A floor cushion or bolster to sit on (there will be chairs, yet I prefer to sit on the floor) 
  • Massage table (if you have one)
  • Water
  • Your spirit, openness, energy & essence.
  • Food to share on the sixth day. 
  • Bathers, in case we do a puree, cleansing ceremony (this is not included in every wananga)

Are there any pre-requisites for Ako Torowhānui: Māori Healing Training? 

There are no bodywork pre-requisites for this training.

 Although an open-mind, a curious spirit and a respect for all cultures is required.

I do ask that you agree to follow the group agreements for this training: 

I consider this work a calling, and one that you can begin at any time.  The majority of those undertaking this course will be sharing in Australia and the training is designed to fit into a Western-style endorsement framework.

Each of the following agreements are valuable skillsets that are integral to our work together in the training and your own work later as a practitioner. 

We all come from different backgrounds, practices, beliefs and ways of doing things. We will have different understandings and ways of expressing our personal and cultural healing journey. In our healing practice we are all different ages and in different places, yet something carried us all here to the same space and time for a reason, so I ask you to be mindful that Being a part of Ako Torowhānui: Māori Healing Training Involves: 

♡ Ngākau whakaute ~ Respect for each other, previous graduates & our clients

At all time in the space, be mindful of yourself and others.

There may be points during this intensive where you feel challenged, triggered or activated.
You are not required to agree 100% with things that are shared, however please use your discernment and if you have a meaningful perspective, please share.

You may already practice a healing practice, yet please refrain from marketing or selling your products or services during our time together (unless someone asks you directly during lunch or a break).

Takohanga ~ Responsibility & participation

This training is an active process. As with all training, you get out what you put in. Speak up and if you see someone needing some support, check if they are ok. If you need some space to integrate or clear your energy body, please take that time. Know that you will always receive the information you need to receive and there will be continual opportunities to re-clarify.

It is your responsibility to clarify your boundaries and know that we are actively walking the rim of the sacred with Māori Healing. Part of the gift of this practice is it’s ability to safely challenge perceptions of pain, understanding of themselves and capacity to walk this path.

Boundaries come in a range of forms and can be personal, professional, emotional, physical, social and sexual. Remember to continue asking permission again and again as we engage with this deep work and if someone says no, respect that.

♡ Whakarongo ~ Active listening & absorbing


We will be regularly checking in and sharing in this group to support the integration of the practice and our learning.

Active listening involves knowing when it is your sacred time to speak and when you do, using “I” statements rather than giving unsolicited advice, story-telling or teaching your views.

Muna ~ Confidentiality

We are creating a safe space together so we can share openly. A safe space requires all attendees to enter with an open-heart and intention.
You will never be forced to share anything too vulnerable or private, yet if it is relevant to share and/or someone does share anything, please do not share anyone’s story outside of our training space.

What would I gain from doing this course? Upon completion of the 6-days does it qualify me to be able to practice this on others? Or is this for personal growth?

The 6-days intensive are primarily a preparation for the work required to practice this modality and consists of 50-hours towards your 400-hour requirement to become a fully endorsed practitioner.  

During these 6-days our focus is placed on building an understanding of the energetics of your own intuition, Whakanoa ~ neutrality, spiritual safety and how you can begin to incorporate these into your way of life. Or you may simply feel the call to see if this is a pathway for you. As a practice Māori Healing can be quite involved, so some people need to take some time to integrate, do some of their own personal development and so on

These 6-days are primarily a preparation for the work required to practice this modality. 

An outline of the training requirements will be updated here soon: 

Will I be ready to practice at the end of the training? 

This training is not a typical Western Training and is taught in a Māori framework.

After the 6-days you would have completed 50-hours training and are considered a “student practitioner.”  You are able to complete your clinic days and case studies. 

Some people feel confident to begin completing their case studies after the 6-days intensive. Whereas, others know they need some more work and support to be ready.

This varies from person-to-person and I do my best to support you within my capacity. 

I also encourage you to draw on the knowledge and wisdom of your peers and Ako Torowhānui: Māori Healing Training alumni. 

Depending on your starting point, you may also feel you require more training or personal development and are ready after a longer time. 

This is really different from person-to-person. In all examples there are opportunities to continue weaving and receiving mentoring.

While you’re practicing and collecting your hours, I do encourage people to do these hours for Koha ~ or donation until they feel open to charging.

Will I learn Takahia-O-Tinana ~ use feet in this training?

Takahia-o-Tinana is not our focus for our intensive and is shared in an additional optional wananga. 

You may observe some aspects of walking the body in our time together and floor work is encouraged for flexibility as we transition between both during our time together. 

Although I will encourage you to practice using different body parts during the 6-day intensive, this is not our focus.

Our focus is learning the fundamentals and exploring the body in different ways. Being familiar with these different techniques and using different body parts enables us to work with different bodies at different times depending on what the client – co-creator needs.

If you are invited to use feet for bodywork, mahi-i-te-papa it is helpful to have rākau, taiaha, turupou, a stick, a wall, the roof, a chair or another practitioner (on Koha Healing Days) to support you.

What support do I receive after completing an Ako Torowhānui Wananga? 

Once you have done a training through Ako Torowhānui, you are always a part of our Ako Torowhānui: Māori Healing waka ~ canoe if you have done a training with us.

Having said that, afterwards I will have a discussion with each person about what supports you need and your intentions with the practice and if it aligns for you. 

If you choose to go down the practitioner pathway, our 6-day intensive consists of 50-hours that go towards your 400-hours endorsement. The 400-hours takes most people around 1-2 years, and options to gain hours include at home practice, Koha Healing Days (where possible), Peer-to-peer calls and  reflections.

♡ Access to the Ako Torowhānui: Student Membership Site
♡ Access to the Ako Torowhānui: Māori Healing Practitioner Facebook Group
♡ Access to updates on booklets and training resources
♡ Access to webinars, interviews and resources to support your practice
♡ Access to webinars, interviews and resources to support your business
♡ Practice mentoring & support following the training
♡ Peer-to-peer calls once a month
♡ A 2-hour coaching call prior to your 400-hours being completed to work on a topic or area of your choice (this can be taken in person, or online)

Can Māori and non-Māori do this training? 

Yes.  This is a Māori ~ cultural practice and is taught with Māori ritual throughout, although Māori and non-Māori are welcome. 

If you are drawn to this training, I ask that all those who attend have respect for each other, a curious and open heart and are willing to learn. 

Can men and women do this training? 

Yes men and women can take this training. 

Are there any other learning formats available? 

I offer one-on-one training that is undertaken over a period of agreed time, these costs will be discussed with you individually and based on one-to-one coaching pricing


p style=”font-family: lovefern, Arial; color: #396872; font-size: 72px; line-height: 50%; margin: 10px 5px; text-align: center;”>Whakamanatia ~ in our uprising, Arohanui ~ Lots of care