Ako Torowhānui in Aotearoa ~ 21st & 22nd September 2024 ~ Raglan

Romiromi & Mirimiri, Māori hands-on healing.
Introductory & specialist training, knowledge and mentoring support. 

21st & 22nd September 2024

(2-day experiential introduction: Mirimiri) 

This is a 2-day, or 4-day Wananga where we learn the foundations of Mirimiri and focus on the deep pressure work and integration of that energy.

This training is a mixture of ceremony, learning and personal and professional development.  Co-creators (trainees) will learn about spiritual energies and knowledge of techniques with a focus on mental health, emotional health, and spiritual realms.

Introduction to working in Whakanoa – energetic neutrality 
Introduction to working with Te Whatamānawa – the sacred heart
Connecting into Io – the divine source creator
Takutaku, Kaupare, Karakia – prayer
Bodywork practice, Level 1: Roimata and Haemata – internal & external vital points throughout the body

This work is a Māori practice and is taught within a Māori framework and worldview, however, Māori and non-Māori are welcome.

Those who are drawn towards learning for their own growth are encouraged to attend.


Training runs 10am – 5pm daily


Mai uenuku ki te whenua


$950 NZD


Email Gabrielle on: hello@wanderkind.com.au
Sam (New Zealand based) on: embodyholistichealing@gmail.com 
P: 027 371 8259 


Pay $200 deposit 

The skills and techniques transmitted in this practice are universal and this is a lifetime journey.

People are taking this course for a range of reasons, for example, to connect back into their cultural roots, to enhance their own consciousness practice and simply because they feel a full-body yes. 

About Ako Torowhānui: Māori Healing Training

Other upcoming modules

Flow with MiriMiri and RomiRomi
Takahia te tinana – walking the body
Body manipulations
Level 2: Roimata and Haemata – internal & external vital points throughout the body

For those continuing and furthering their training through the practitioner track

Learning how to work with clients confidently and safely
Essential techniques to working with your client to put them at ease
Professional preparation in serving clients
Monthly peer-to-peer calls
Ongoing mentoring as part of your practice 
Koha Days where you can share your skills with the Te Urupu ~ Perth Community (Profits go to aligned Non-Profit organisation)

Please note, there is a possibility that after the 50-hour training you will be advised to seek more personal development before professionally sharing MiriMiri or RomiRomi. 

Training Costs

2-days Training

♡ $950 NZD

Deposit $200 * (non-refundable)
Pay deposit 


Practitioner training (includes 1-year mentoring & support) 
Ongoing opportunities to practice
Does not include accommodation or transport to and from the training. 

* Payment plans available

Book your place 

Important Information

You can share any training with me as a part of personal development or as the preliminary steps towards becoming a practitioner.

To complete the full practitioners training you will need to log a minimum of 400 hours (your initial training is included in these hours)
Your additional hours will consist of the face-to-face training, case studies at home, opportunity to engage with Māori philosophy and worldview through Wānanga, and practice on the public through open clinic (Koha Healing days).  

About MiriMiri

MiriMiri is a soft hands energy form that comes deeply from the heart and can be practiced alone, or to support the practice of RomiRomi.

The technique involves dropping people into the vibration of the ocean with soft to deep tissue work that prepares clients for the depth of RomiRomi work.

About RomiRomi

RomiRomi is a Māori Bodywork form that works directly with physical, emotional and spiritual vital points. This can be an intense practice that uses body weight to release and move your energetic bodies in full support of your full body temple.

The word broken up indicates Ro ~ internal and Mi ~ to stimulate.

Here’s what the Ako Torowhānui Alumni say 

Jarna Saunders

Jarna Saunders

I feel really lucky to have joined this training.
RomiRomi has taken me on a journey so far inside myself, to bring me home to myself again.
I’m so grateful for the teachings and the way you are sharing them with the world, we need your strength.

Kyla Hatsell-Pasene

Kyla Hatsell-Pasene

The space that was created at Kōwae 1 that I attended made me feel safe and open. I knew I could be however I needed to be. And when you can allow yourself to surrender in to that, you can start to heal decades of upsets and trauma.
Learning to trust my intuition and owning my truth is nourishing for the soul and the positive changes manifest in to reality.

Sarmantha Coffey

Sarmantha Coffey

Ako Torowhānui has really helped me to evolve in every area in my life.
To understand myself more. To connect more to my culture, it feels like a huge missing link in my life.
The gift of RomiRomi is definitely a part of me and learning this practice has brought me deeper into my knowing and purpose and how I can better show up for myself, the world and the people who desire and need this.

Jaime Mackie

Jaime Mackie

The training experience has been a pivotal part of my spiritual journey. Feeling safe and how to protect my energy and wanting to practice healing in this modality.
The experience gave me confidence on all levels of what I can do for others, it is undeniable when you feel it with all your sense.

Kirsti Ladner

Kirsti Ladner

Oh my heart!! Romi-Romi and Miri-Miri pressure point healing haha! It’s not for the faint hearted I can tell you that!
But oh so so honoured to be embraced and taught by Gabrielle Walker and all the other amazing people in this intake. Such a soulful group. Thank you for all the knowledge sharing and stories of your beautiful culture and translating all these new words for me.

Jasmine Smith

Jasmine Smith

Quiet I am, for the peace within, of stepping up to serve is here.
I have the deepest gratitude to you, Gabrielle, for weaving me into Ako Torowhānui. Your presence is whenua in my heart ❤

About your Trainers

Gabrielle Rangihoea

Gabrielle  Mary Rangihoea Walker is a Māori woman from Ngāti Kahungungu, Ngāti Rongomaiwahine and with English, Scottish and German descent. As a RomiRomi Healing Artist and Mana Empowerment Coach, I draw on ancient traditional Maori teachings and philosophies and combine these emerging energies and messages coming through in this contemporary climate.

This healing practice emerges from a range of areas. The work I share comes through generations and across cultures, taught to me by my teachers, it was handed down through my wairua and whakapapa, refined through feedback and practice with my clients and combined with the emerging energies and messages pertinent in today’s modern world.

To enquire about this training, email gabrielle@wanderkind.com.au or watsapp +61 (0) 480 102 027

Sarmantha Coffey

Sarmantha Coffey

Kia Ora Whanaunga, Ko Sarmantha Coffey ahau.

Waikato born and raised along with my travels and a 11 year stint in WA. I have been in the personal development space for the past 16 years, my passion for the love of people guides me and lead me back to sacred Maori healing.
I hold a trusted space for internal expressions that desire to be safely seen and held in the form of Korero coaching- talk to realign. And body work deriving from RomiRomi and MiriMiri -activating or releasing vital points within the body using intuition and learnt skills to co-create with you 1 on 1 or in Wananga.
I have returned home from overseas to pursue this mahi with my Tane and our 3 tamariki who are of Ngati wairere decent. I see our time together as a sacred Devine appointment. Arohanui Sam

Shari Kydd

Shari Kydd

Ko Tainui toku waka tapu Ko Hautere ratou ko Maungakawa, ko Maungatautari te maunga, Ko Orakanui ratou ko Waitoa, ko Waikato ōku awa, Ko Raukawa, ko Tainui ōku iwi Ko Ngāti Ahuru, me ngā ko Ngati Mahanga, ko Ngāti Hauā ōku hapū No Aotearoa ahau Ko Shari Rahera Kydd tōku ingoa